To me kids are always welcome. I feel like a vampire when I hang out with my friends who luckily have their own little ones. My time will come. I know (I can feel James shaking once he reads this). But while I wait I suck every bit of joy and fun that my kid-friends can offer. Last week I had a birthday party and I was talking to one of my little friends:
Your mom speaks Spanish because she lived in Peru, I said.
She didn't hesitate to quickly correct me: "NO. My mom speaks Spanish because she LEARNED IT." She said it with that intonation that lets you know you are dumb.
I have fun with them. I think they represent the human being on its purest nature. They are better than us for the simple fact that they are new. They do not carry our frustrations, paranoia, self-criticism. They are open and make friends in seconds. No fake words or smiles. Honesty above all, which put parents on embarrassing situations sometimes. Free souls that do not have prejudice. I enjoy them and I learn from them. They challenge you with questions. They make you realize how much you forgot or never learned about things. I take my hat off for these little ones. And on top of all that, what a great skin they have!
até já posso ver os pequeninos cerejas correndo pela casa, carequinhas e de boquinha vermelha..... essa casa vai ser um lugar onde a alegria vai morar eternamente. dá pra convidar pra um almoço de vez em quando? rs...
Crianças são muito divertidas mesmo. Ontem passei a noite brincando com a filha da Gisa. Estou doida pra ter meu 'brinquedinho' também.
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