Friday, May 18, 2007

Confessions, k?

I have this beloved friend.The guy is smart, polite, stylish and cool. Really cool. He is constantly amazing me. He knows about everything. I make a comment about a book, he already read it. I tell him about a movie, he watched. He feeds me with new information and culture. Sometimes he comes with so much new stuff that I pretend to know some so I don't sound so stupid (I confess, k?). You might think he is a geek. The type of "cool" geek. The one that try hard to be cool. Believe me he is not, he is actually a busy guy. He has friends, he parties, he work, he interacts with a range of diverse people. How the heck he knows all that? Maybe because he hangs out at a bookstore all the time. No. I don't think that's the reason since I also do that frequently and I still can't follow him (I guess is because I go to the bookstore specially to buy the Starbucks huge chocolate chunks cookie...yummy). He is very curious and pays attention to different subjects and people. By the way, I've just hired him as chief editor of this blog. Of course this is a fake position. I'm not so professional about it yet but I bet he will be extremely useful.

Well, the point is, lately my dear friend suffered some accusations of being a brown-noser. In reality it's undeniable that he really praises his friends very often and I include myself on this list. And you know what? I do like it. I do think that his comments are appropriate. He doesn't tell the fat girlfriend that she looks thin.He tells you stuff that fits to yourself. He simply reminds you of the qualities that you have and you keep forgetting or ignoring to focus on your imperfections.

I think he is just a confident person that see no problem on being sincere and tell you right on your face how many good qualities you have. The fact that he does it often and does it to more than one person makes some people see it as brownosing. I disagree. People are not used to receive compliments for no apparently reason. Some people have a hard time to accept good words from other people. They usually think: what does he want? or Oh no. He is lying to me just to be nice. I accept his comments. I trust and I feel happy to hear good things about myself. I give myself the right to believe on his words and feel good about it. Whether he is lying (which I don't think is the case because I've seen he complimenting other people and I agreed with the comments made) it is not my problem. I stick with my compliment and go home full of happiness and confidence. Why not?

I wish everybody acted like my friend. We would all be gentle to each other. We would have less jealous folks in the world. We would appreciate our friends' qualities instead of keep criticizing their failures. We would be a happier planet.

Dear friend, to me your words will be always welcome!

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